Periodontal Disease
Periodontal tissue is the surrounding tissue and support system of the tooth. This tissue includes gums, ligaments, and bone. The deposits of food on the teeth and gums represent the colonies of bacteria that eat, live and multiply in those deposits. Bacteria start to damage the gums and cause their inflammation. The inflammation of the gums is gradually spread to the bone and then a periodontal disease develops. If this is not treated, the bone level decreases, teeth begin to get loose and eventually fall out. This is the reason why all dentists insist on regular oral hygiene at home and on regular cleaning in a dental office.
The good news is that periodontal disease can be stopped. Even in cases when it is genetically caused by regularly going to the dentist and by cleaning the space underneath the gums, the disease can be put under control. When the gums and bone are well taken care of, periodontal disease will not progress and your teeth will not get loose and fall out.